the Sultan of Sukeva goal is to run 30 marathons in 30 days means 42.2 km/day. Marathons are run every day in different European cities.

The EURO MARATHONS challenge starts in Frankfurt, Germany on April 11 and ends a month later in Finland at the Vieremä-Iisalmi marathon

During the month-long tour, marathons are run in eight different countries. In addition to Germany and Finland, the destinations are Belgium, Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria​.


11.4. Frankfurt, Germany
12.4. Bonn, Germany
13.4. Köln, Germany

14.4. Leverkusen, Germany
15.4. Dortmund, Germany
16.4. Nijmegen, Netherlands
17.4. Eindhoven, Netherlands
18.4. Antwerpen, Belgium
19.4.  Bryssel, Belgium
20.4. Lille, France
21.4. Calais, France
22.4. Paris, France
23.4. Paris, France
24.4. Lyon, France
25.4. Nice, France
26.4. Sanremo, Italy
27.4. Torino, Italy
28.4. Milano, Italy
29.4. Garda Lake, Italy 
30.4. Lugano, Switzerland
1.5. Innsbruck, Austria
2.5. Salzburg, Austria
3.5. Thalgau, Austria
4.5. München, Germany
5.5. Berlin, Germany
6.5. Hamburg, Germany
 7.5. Travemunde-Helsinki, Baltic Sea
8.5. TBA, Finland
9.5. TBA, Finland
10.5. Vieremä - Iisalmi, Finland